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04. Joint Teacher-Student Committee (CPDS)

Each Department (and the School, in the case of the Medical Departments) elects a Joint Teacher-Student Committee with equal number of teachers and students, where possible representatives of all the courses pertaining to the Department or School.
To guarantee impartiality, the Committee must not include the Course Chairs, Department Managers or School Chair. The Joint Committee is coordinated by a teacher selected among the committee members.

The Committee has the task of:

  • ongoing monitoring of the courses provided and teaching quality, as well as student services offered by teachers and researchers
  • identifying indicators to assess results of teaching
  • providing opinions on the activation or cancellation of courses
  • drafting an annual report.

Here below is the composition of the Joint Teacher-Student Committee of the Department, divided by course.





Philosophy and Communication

Matteo Pollone

Edoardo Gaia

Foreign and Modern Languages

Andrea Baldissera

Andreea Plingu



Cecilia Gibellini

Nicole Zullini

Modern, classical and comparative Philology

Vittorio Tigrino (Chair)

Tommaso Zonca

Languages, Culture, Tourism

Stefania Ferrari

To be defined.

Political Philosophy and Cultural Studies

Maria Teresa Monti

Giulia Caccia (Vice Chair)

Committee Minutes

You can access here the minutes from meetings of the Joint Teacher-Student Committee.

Committee Reports

In this section you can find the Committee Reports.


Last modified 5 August 2024