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Participation in projects that involve teachers and researchers from Italian and international universities is one aspect of DISUM research activity, which views such participation as crucial from the perspective of valorisation of the multiplicity of skills necessary for the research itself. As well as developing and following individual lines of research, DISUM teachers participate in numerous projects and national and international agreements collaborating in interdisciplinary projects funded by the University for Research (FAR), and playing a key role in various PRIN projects (Research Programmes of National Relevance). These projects cover the fields of literary, language, historic-artistic, geographic, philosophical, historic, anthropological disciplines and political and social sciences.

Projects involving researchers and groups of researchers generally include a Team Leader (sometimes more than one) and receive different types of funding. The Departments manage the administrative and financial aspects of such projects.

This section lays out some of the projects and initiatives currently underway at DISUM, divided by type:

  • PRIN projects
  • FAR projects
  • International projects
  • National projects

Information cards