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Internships and job placements

Initiatives of Job Placement 

We invite you to participate in Job Placement initiatives: seminars, workshops and training workshops for career guidance and matching events. All the information on the University website at the page https:///


Our Department promotes and manages curricular internships (training) and job placements and post-grad training at local, national and international companies and organisations. If you are one of our students or have recently graduated (less than 12 months ago), consider applying for an internship, a significant experience which can help you approach the world of work.

It is necessary for the Internship and Job Placements Representative of your course to sign your application

If you are interested in applying for an internship, contact the University Office for Internships and Job Placements.

Regarding exemption procedures for work activity, visit the Student Services Office.


Companies and organisations wishing to launch an internship are invited to contact the University Office for Internships and Job Placements.


Contact persons in DISUM

  • Department representative for job placements: prof. Enrico Biale
  • Contact person for internships (Philosophy): prof. Matteo Pollone
  • Department representative for internships and job placements for the Course in Languages, Culture and Tourism: prof. Laurence Audéoud
  • Department representative for internships and job placements for the course in Modern Languages: prof. Laura Tommaso
  • Department representative for internships and job placements for the Bachelor’s in Literature and Master’s in Modern, Classical and Comparative Philology: prof. Federico Favi

University Student Services’ Career Guidance & Job PlacementSabrina Burocco
Rector’s Offices, via Duomo 6 - tel.  0161 261559​
Opening hours: appointment only 

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