h) Internships and Job Placements (students)
Degree course Modern Foreign Languages - a. y. 24/25
The traineeship represents an essential training experience in the university course, aimed at acquiring practical skills through activities carried out at facilities inside or outside the University, both in Italy and abroad. The venues for carrying out the traineeship can be identified in the following ways
- independently
- through a lecturer
- by applying to the offers in the Traineeships and Internships area (on Infobox)
- by applying to one of the calls for applications published periodically by organisations, institutions, professional associations and professional associations.
For the Degree Course in Foreign Languages, the internship course involves the use, even partial, of one or more foreign languages. The University has active agreements with first and second grade secondary schools, museums, superintendencies, local and supra-local authorities, tourism service operators, editorial offices and publishing houses. Opportunities of particular educational interest to Modern Foreign Languages students are listed on the page Conventions and opportunities for internships and apprenticeships.
External curricular training
The Degree Course in Modern Foreign Languages provides for work placements among the ‘Other activities’, within the framework of the ‘credits reserved by the University for activities art. 10, paragraph 5, letter d’, in the second or third year of the course. The placement must be included in the year in which these activities are envisaged in the option card. The work placement, which lasts 150 hours, corresponds to 6 credits. The credits are approved by the Course Council at the end of the work placement experience and after submission of the required documentation. The Course Council meets periodically according to an annual schedule and upon convocation by the President.
Activation procedure and forms for curricular or external traineeships
Once the training project has been defined together with the person in charge of the host structure and with the possible support of the Student Orientation & Job Placement Service (sabrina.burocco@uniupo.it), it is necessary to contact the lecturer in charge of internships and placements of the Degree Course in Modern Foreign Languages (Prof. Laura Tommaso, laura.tommaso@uniupo.it) in order to obtain approval of the internship project.
To this end, the (a) training project agreed with the contact person of the host organisation, containing the training objectives of the work placement, the way it is to be carried out, the activities envisaged and the skills and knowledge to be acquired, and the (b) authorisation form for the work placement, to be signed by the contact teacher of the Modern Foreign Languages degree course, must be submitted.
Once the authorisation has been obtained and before starting the placement, you must complete the Online Course on Occupational Safety and Health. To obtain the course access key, you must send an email with the subject line ‘AVVIO STAGE’ to prevsic@uniupo.it. The Safety Prevention and Protection Department will provide instructions on how to access the Course. Upon completion, a certificate of attendance will be issued.
To complete the activation of the traineeship, the last step is to contact the Student Orientation & Job Placement Service, Dr Sabrina Burocco (sabrina.burocco@uniupo.it) and submit the administrative documentation collected:
- training project agreed with the host institution or company
- authorisation form for the work placement signed by the work placement supervisor for the course of study
- copy of the certificate of participation in the online course on health and safety in the workplace
The internship may be started within 15 days of delivery of the administrative documentation to the Internship and Job Placement Service. Failure to deliver all the required documents will not allow the placement to begin.
Conduct and conclusion of curricular or external work placement
During the course of the placement, an (d) attendance register must be completed regularly and signed by the host tutor. At the end of the placement, it is mandatory to submit a final (e) report on the activity carried out. For drafting the report, we recommend following the guidelines in the manual available here (appendix). All those who carry out an internship are required to complete the evaluation questionnaire available in the online services, by selecting the menu: ‘INTERNSHIP AND STAGE’ - ‘MANAGEMENT OF INTERNSHIP’ - ‘EVALUATION’. Upon delivery of the final documentation, the administrative office will check that the questionnaire has been completed. It is also necessary for the trainee to request a (f) certificate of completion of the traineeship issued by the host organisation or company on headed notepaper and signed by the supervisor.
The following documentation must be submitted to the Department's Internship and Job Placement Office (sabrina.burocco@uniupo.it) in order to obtain recognition of the internship and training credits:
- Attendance register completed and signed by the person in charge of the host company
- Certificate of completion of the work placement issued by the host organisation or company (on headed notepaper and signed by the person responsible)
- End of placement report
The original documentation must be handed in within 30 days of the end of the internship (last day indicated on the attendance register). Only complete documentation will be accepted by the administrative secretariat of the Department, which will forward it to the President and the Course of Study Languages internship contact person. The documents will be submitted for approval by the Course of Study in Modern Foreign Languages Council, during the first useful meeting convened by the President.
The outcome of the approval of the internship and credits can be checked on the University portal, under ‘Online services for students’.
Internal curricular training
The internal traineeship consists of a training experience carried out at the facilities of the University of Eastern Piedmont. In order to request the activation of an internal traineeship, the contact person must send a request (according to form g) to sabrina.burocco@uniupo.it and for information to laura.tommaso@uniupo.it, containing data on the trainee and information on the objectives and organisational aspects of the training course. It should be noted that the internal traineeship has a minimum duration of 1 month and must include at least one activity in a foreign language.
At the end of the internal traineeship, the contact person must send a declaration of the traineeship (form h) to sabrina.burocco@uniupo.it and for information to laura.tommaso@uniupo.it.
A. Fac-simile_di_progetto_formativo.pdf
- Documento PDF - 176 bytes
B.Modulo di richiesta tirocinio esterno.pdf
- Documento PDF - 176 bytes
D. registro_presenze_Disum.pdf
- Documento PDF - 176 bytes
E. Attestato effettuazione tirocinio esterno.pdf
- Documento PDF - 176 bytes
F. Linee guida stesura relazione finale.pdf
- Documento PDF - 176 bytes
G. Modulo per la richiesta di tirocini interni.docx
- Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document - 176 bytes
H. Dichiarazione di avvenuto tirocinio interno.docx
- Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document - 176 bytes
Last modified 28 October 2024