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Modern Foreign Languages - a. y. 24/25

Course Type Bachelor’s degree

Academic year 2024/2025

Membership structure

Course Overview

The three-year Bachelor’s degree in Modern Languages (Code L-11) is open access (no capped number restrictions).

The course lasts three years full-time or 4 or 6 years if you choose a part-time contract.

To obtain the degree, you must obtain 180 ECTS academic credits.

You have the opportunity to pursue a binational degree in agreement with the Université de Savoie Mont Blanc,Chambéry. 

The location of the course is in Vercelli, in via G. Ferraris 116.

Course organiser (Chair) of Modern Languages

The course is based on a solid core of linguistic and cultural preparation aimed at providing the theoretical, methodological and applicative skills for professional roles in the field of public and private services, and communication, publishing and the cultural industry, international business relations, in contexts characterised by increasingly marked processes of interculturality and internationalisation.

The course aims to offer graduates in Modern Languages a series of basic theoretical-practical knowledge and skills in the field of foreign languages, literatures and cultures, in a perspective encompassing international, European and extra-European dimensions. Conscious and in-depth learning of at least two languages and their respective cultures is expected. In addition to the activity offered in Other Educational Activities, the linguistic and cultural areas from which students can choose are: French, Spanish, German and English (opting in the latter case for one of the two versions: British English and American English).

The student's preparation is completed by a wide choice of related and integrative disciplinary sectors aimed at providing the most useful tools for the constantly evolving contexts of the world of work, and sensitive to the requests for linguistic and plurilingual skills, intercultural mediation and international exchanges on the part of socio-economic, local, regional and macro-regional levels.

Furthermore, the Course aims to prepare the student who wishes to continue to a Master's degree course, in particular the Interclass Course in Languages, Cultures, and Tourism (LM-37&LM-49), guaranteeing a suitable educational base already in the three-year period, permitted by the aforementioned choice of related and integrative sectors. Given the objectives of the course, the choice of a study period abroad within the Erasmus programme or other international exchange programmes is also encouraged, even on individual modules.

The course of study allows you to study and improve two languages of your choice among French, English, Spanish and German and the related linguistic, cultural and literary disciplines. Within Hispanic Studies, you can choose to delve deeper into Hispanic American Literatures.

Starting from the 2nd year, you will be able to add a 3rd language and choose between three tracks: linguistic, economic-communicative, literary-artistic; starting from the 2nd year, you will be able to study Russian Language and Culture. In this degree, you will be able to attend annual modules of language practice lasting 4-6 hours per week and, from the 2nd year, courses with lessons entirely held in a foreign language.

You will be able to pursue a binational degree with the Université Savoie Mont Blanc-Chambéry in the 3rd year. You will also be able to participate in Erasmus exchanges, the English Presentation Project and various internships and training courses; you will have access to specialisation courses in Business English, the TiLLiT language theatre workshop, and have direct access to the two-year specialist course in Languages, Cultures, and Tourism.


Key features

  • Practice sessions to strengthen language skills
  • Possibility to study up to 4 languages and choose between education tracks
  • Innovative teaching: theatre in language activity (TiLLiT) English Presentation Project, lessons taught in the foreign language, translation activity
  • Possibility of a Dual Degree (Université Savoie Mont Blanc-Chambéry)
  • Direct access to the master's degree in Languages, Cultures, and Tourism
  • Study abroad (Erasmus and Free-Mover exchange programmes)


Employment opportunities

Professional activities in the field of cultural services, including libraries and archives, public relations (corporate and otherwise), advertising, cultural and current affairs journalism, entertainment and mass communications. Highly professional activities within Italian and foreign cultural institutions in Italy and abroad, within international organisations and various sectors of industry and the advanced tertiary sector. Professional activities in the field of cultural mediation, the publishing industry (paper and online), in the editorial field in a broad sense, or in other fields, including promotional areas and the more specific fields of literary and non-literary translation. The field of translation could also be extended to functional translation for film and television dubbing.


Course organisation

In this section, you can find:

Study plans

Further information on the drafting of specific study plans for the Modern Languages course.

  • Full-time
  • Part-time - 4 years
  • Part-time - 6 years

Didactic Regulations

  • Didactic Regulations


  • Archive of Programmes, Study plans and Didactic Regulations


To register/enrol

The information on registering and enrolling on this course explains all the procedures you need to follow.

There are some tests required for evaluation of your initial skills – TOLC; please check:

Initial Skills Assessment Test  (TOLC)

Following enrolment, your level of preparation will be assessed through the Initial Skills Assessment Test. The test consists of multiple-choice questions that focus on linguistic-grammatical and text comprehension topics. It is a test required by law, but even if you do not pass it, you will be able to take the 1st year exams of the course of study you have chosen.

Contacts: Laurence Audéoud (Coordinator), Marcella Trambaioli (Chair)
Visit the section Initial Skills Assessment Test

PLEASE NOTE: if you have not taken the assessment test you will not be able to register for the exams.

English Placement Test

After enrolment, your level of knowledge of the English language will be verified through the English Placement Test, an online test carried out in collaboration with Oxford University Press. The test is mandatory, but not selective, and is not binding for access to the courses.
Contact: Prof. Laura Tommaso

Visit Skills Assessment -> English Placement Test

Useful Links


Student Representatives

Student representatives are part of the governing bodies of the Department and the University and are an important component, contributing to the direction of all its activities.

The Student Representatives Headquarters in Vercelli is located in room B3 at the Ex-Ospedaletto, viale Garibaldi 98.


Need more info? Here’s who to contact, and how

  • To find info on teachers and office hours: UPObook
  • To contact the Student Secretariat: UPOrisponde
  • If you wish to talk directly to the Secretariat (regarding particularly complex issues): UPOriceve
  • If you need support from Student Services for disability/learning problems: UPOrisponde
  • If you are looking for information on careers guidance, internships and job placements:

A complete list of contact details can be found here.

During the enrolment period, the PIMs (Punto informativo matricole – Enrolment Info Desks) are available.

The helpdesk “S.O.S.T.A.” (University Orientation and Tutoring Service) is a peer support system, provided with the collaboration of students.



You can enrich your academic career with an international experience.

You can spend a period of study abroad with Erasmus+ mobility by choosing from the many locations where we have international mobility agreements, or opt for other forms of mobility at one of the European and non-European locations with which we have institutional cooperation agreements. You can also spend a period abroad as a "FreeMover" taking advantage of the University's financial and organisational support, whether you intend to study or are interested in gaining professional experience.

Erasmus opportunities. Austria: Graz. Belgium: Liège. Croatia: Zagabria. France: Bordeaux, Lille, Metz, Versailles, Paris Diderot, Grenoble. Germany: “Ludwig Maximilian” (Munich), Marburg, Aachen, Bochum, Potsdam. Norway: Volda. Poland: Warsaw, Wroclaw, Lodz, “Adam Mickiewicz” Poznań. Portugal: Madeira. Romania: Alba Iulia, Bucarest. Spain: Malaga, “Carlos III” (Madrid), “Miguel de Cervantes” (Valladolid), Alcalã, Valencia, Tenerife, Salamanca, Seville, Vigo, Santiago de Compostela, Cáceres, Santander, Ciudad Real, Huelva.


DUAL DEGREE with the Université Savoie Mont Blanc of Chambéry

You will be able to obtain a dual degree with the Université de Savoie Mont Blanc, Chambéry. A binational agreement between Disum and the Université Savoie Mont Blanc allows you to obtain a dual degree by spending the last year of study of the three-year period (or the first of the two-year master's degree) at the Université Savoie Mont Blanc.


Useful Links


Quality Assurance of Course

Quality Assurance of teaching is linked to the University's quality policies, and is implemented and monitored by evaluating the management of the educational offer, with a view to continuous improvement. At course level, quality assurance is delegated to the Quality Group and Review Team.

Documents relevant to the course quality assurance can be found in this section.


Last modified 13 May 2024