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Teaching Office and Student Services

Teaching Office and Student Services - Headquarters

The Teaching Office and Student Services and the DISUM Headquarters are located on the mezzanine floor of the S. Andrea Convent Wing (via G. Ferraris 116 or Largo Marinone)
Hours: from Monday to Friday 8.30am -10.30am; Tues/Wed/Thurs. also 2.30pm-4.30pm
tel. 0161228217/231 fax 0161228229

  • The S. Andrea reception desk is on the ground floor: tel. 0161228211 fax 0161228229, hours: Monday to Friday 8-18
  • The reception desk of the Ex-Ospedaletto (teaching campus) is located on the ground floor of the Ex-Ospedaletto (entrance viale Garibaldi 98 or from via G. Ferraris 109), tel. 0161228203 fax 0161228240, hours: from Monday to Friday 8.30am - 6pm
  • The reception desk of S. Giuseppe (teaching campus) is located on the ground floor of the building in Piazza S. Eusebio 5

Student Admin Office (offices and helpdesk)  

The Student Admin Office is in Palazzo Tartara via G. Ferraris 107
It can be contacted via Upo Risponde and Upo Riceve

tel. 0161 228236 fax 0161 228237

Contact this Office for any administrative procedures (e.g., exemptions, financial aid, option forms, period of study abroad, graduation applications, etc).

In the event that you need help, to ensure health safety measures, you are asked to contact us in advance to make an appointment.

Last modified 10 August 2022