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Departmental Teaching Quality Manager (RQDF)

The Teaching Quality Manager for the Department is Prof. Eleonora Destefanis. 

The RQDF acts as an intermediary between the University Quality Department (PQA) and peripheral structures (School, Department, degree programmes - courses, Teacher-Student Joint Committee - CPDS) and provides support, advice and supervision in the field of teaching/training.

His/her role is:

  • monitoring the teaching activities of the degree programmes, with particular attention to fresher assistance
  • tutoring and actions aimed at solving problems raised by students
  • consultancy and support to the Course Council for the drafting of the single annual course report (SUA-CdS), the Annual Review Report (RAR) and the Cyclical Review Report (RCR)
  • consultancy and support to the Teacher-Student Joint Committee (CPDS) for the drafting of the annual report
  • consultancy and support for educational organisation (e.g., substitution/replacement of course teachers, distribution of teaching load)
  • QA training activities for Department staff

Last modified 10 August 2022