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Reception Desks/concierge services

Reception S.Andrea

The reception desk of S. Giuseppe (teaching campus) is located on the ground floor of the building in Piazza S. Eusebio 5.


  • Buonsante Nicola
  • Lospinoso Rita

Reception desk ex-Ospedaletto

The reception desk of the former Ospedaletto (teaching campus) is located on the ground floor of the ex-Ospedaletto (entrance viale Garibaldi 98 or from via G. Ferraris 109), tel. 0161228203 fax 0161228240, hours: from Monday to Friday 8.30am – 6pm


  • Ballin Daniela

Reception desk San Giuseppe

The reception desk of S. Giuseppe (teaching campus) is located on the ground floor of the building in Piazza S. Eusebio 5


  • Mezzapesa Antonio

Last modified 10 August 2022