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In research

Our research involves all professors, researchers, PhD students and postdoc research assistants. The projects span all subject areas.
DiSUM research had an excellent result in the Quality Assessment Review (VQR 2011-2014) carried out by ANVUR. The Department came first in area 14 (political and social sciences), fifth in area 11 (historical, philosophical and pedagogical sciences) and twenty-second in area 10 (antiquity, philological-literary and historical-artistic sciences).

Particularly noteworthy were the results obtained in the sub-areas of Foreign and Comparative Languages and Literatures, where the University of Eastern Piedmont was ranked first nationally, and of Philosophy, where it ranked fourth.

The professors and researchers of our Department were placed in positions of excellence, even in the limited rankings concerning specific research fields, resulting first in Italy for Modern History, Hispanics, Anglo-  and Anglo-American Studies. 

Among the many excellences, we mention here:

In teaching

Among the teaching excellences, we mention:

  • Double degree with Université de Savoie Mont Blanc (Chambéry)
    The partnership allows the issuing of double degrees both within the Bachelor’s degree course (Modern Foreign Languages and Literature), and within the Master's degree (Languages, Cultures and Tourism, at the moment only for the course of Languages and Modern European and American Literatures, and Classical and Comparative Modern Philology). For information, contact prof. Michele Mastroianni
  • TiLLiT (Theatre in Language – Language in Theatre)
    The project promotes the use of theatrical practices in the teaching of foreign languages and is an educational activity recognised by the Department.  Trailer
  • English Presentation Project
    The project emerged within the course in Modern Foreign Languages, with the main objective of creating direct contact between groups of students specialising in English, and local businesses, for the promotion of Eastern Piedmont strengths: from the lively economic-productive activities, to natural, cultural and artistic beauties.

Last modified 5 July 2023