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l) Graduating

Degree course Modern foreign languages - academic year 23/24

The final exam consists of the drafting and discussion of a monographic essay, an annotated bibliography, or a text translation with introduction and commentary. The work will be written under the guidance of a supervisor; it must document the candidate's ability to use the relevant reference works and to appropriately present the debate on the topic.

The final exam is subject to attendance of the first four modules of the BiblioLab course.

The discussion of the final paper takes place in front of a commission of 5 members, designated by the Course Council and appointed by the Course Director from among the official teachers of the Department. In specific cases, for work carried out at third-party institutions or with the assistance of experts from sectors not represented in the Department, teachers or experts from outside the Department may be nominated as part of the commission. The final exam grade, assigned at the end of the discussion of the essay, is calculated on the basis of the weighted average resulting from the entire university studies, with a possible increase of up to 5 points. The final grade is expressed out of 110, with the commission having the right to assign Honours, if the final grade is one hundred and ten.

Last modified 3 January 2024