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Modern foreign languages

Course Type Bachelor’s degree

Academic year 2021/2022

Membership structure

The three-year Bachelor’s degree programme in Modern Foreign Languages Class L-11 is open to all (no capped number restrictions).

The course lasts 3 years (full-time) or 4 or 6 years (part-time).

To obtain the degree you must achieve 180 academic credits.

You have the opportunity to obtain a bi-national double degree in partnership with the Université de Savoie Mont Blanc, Chambéry.

The course is held in Vercelli, in via G. Ferraris 116.

Key features

  • Language improvement exercises
  • Possibility to study up to 4 languages and to choose between training courses
  • Innovative teaching: TILLIT theatre in original language, English Presentation Project, teaching in language, translation
  • Possibility of a Bi-national DoubleDegree (Université Savoie Mont Blanc-Chambéry)
  • Direct access to the Master's degree in Languages, Culture, Tourism
  • Study abroad (Erasmus and Free Mover programmes)

To enrol/register

All the information on enrolment or registration for this course will help you understand the correct procedure to follow.

It is also important to check the Admission Requirements page

The course

The course allows you to study and explore two languages ​​of your choice among French, English, Spanish and German, and the related linguistic, cultural and literary disciplines. Within the Hispanics option, you can choose to study Hispanic-American literature.

Starting from the 2nd year, you can add a 3rd language and choose between three paths: linguistic, economic-communicative, literary-artistic. Starting from the 2nd year you will be able to study Russian language and culture. In this programme, you will be able to attend annual modules of language practice for 4-6 hours per week and, from the 2nd year, courses with lessons entirely held in a foreign language.

You will be able to pursue a bi-national double bachelor's degree with the Savoie Mont Blanc-Chambéry University in the 3rd year. You can also participate in Erasmus exchanges, the English Presentation Project and various internships and training internships; you will be able to take specialisation courses in Business English, the TiLLiT language theatre laboratory and enjoy direct access to the two-year specialisation course in Languages, ​​Culture, Tourism.

Study Plans


During your studies you are followed by a teacher-tutor who is assigned to you by the Academic Board from among the teachers and researchers of your course.

On the Representatives and Tutors page, you will find all the information you need and the list of tutors assigned to students.

Last modified 28 March 2023