3. International Students
Regulations for arrival and stay in Italy
If you are a student arriving from a European Union country, you must possess an ID document valid for the entire period of your stay in Italy, and health insurance that also covers Italy.
If you are a student arriving from a non-EU country and do not reside in Italy, you must apply for a study visa (post-graduate).
To request a study visa, you must:
- Be accepted on a university Master’s programme;
- Pre-enrol online via the Universitaly portal: in the application form, you must indicate Università del Piemonte Orientale and select the Master’s for which you have been accepted; you must also state the Embassy/Consulate where you will request the visa to stay in Italy and attach the required documents
When the documentation has been attached to the application, the University will send this to the Italian visa authority that you named when completing the Universitaly data.
Once the University has sent this documentation, you yourself must request the study visa from the relevant authority, with validity for the duration of your course.
If you are a student from a non-EU country but already reside in Italy, you can enrol if you have a EU permit for long-term stay (former “Carta di Soggiorno”) or a residency permit for:
- Employed work, freelance or stakeholder activity
- Family motives
- Political asylum, subsidiary protection
- Religious motives
If you have held a study permit for at least one year, you can enrol but only if your permit is renewable (for example, a permit issued for an Italian language course is non-renewable).
Request for residency permit
On your arrival in Italy, within eight working days of your arrival, you must request a residency permit from the relevant Police Headquarters (check whether you must present your application for a residency permit after completing any compulsory isolation period). This obligation applies to anyone staying in Italy for a period of longer than 90 days.
To complete the enrolment procedure, a copy of the application for the residency permit must be sent by email to the Masters’ Office.
Once you have collected your official residency permit, you must send a copy by email to the Masters’ Office.
Ministry Circular regarding arrival, stay and enrolment of international students:
Admission application to a Specialist Master program DISUM
- Documento PDF - 114.83 KB
Application to enrol to a Specialist Master DISUM
- Documento PDF - 220.92 KB
Privacy Policy Master
- Documento PDF - 598.41 KB
Last modified 2 November 2023