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Educational activity, Full/part time and single courses, academic credits and additional educational requirements

Additional Educational Requirements (OFA) are set by the departments to resolve any gaps in knowledge for incoming students.

Educational activity

The educational activities are organised in:

  • Basic activities
  • defining activities
  • related and integrative activities

They are mainly lessonsseminars, and laboratories and can be:

  • elective courses
  • lessons relating to preparation of the final exam
  • courses relating to the knowledge of a European Union language, other than Italian
  • courses aimed at acquiring linguistic knowledge, IT and telematic skills, and soft skills
  • training and work-based internships.

All these activities are listed in the study plans.

You can choose which activities to follow each year by filling in the study plan via web or paper (option form, if you enrolled in the year after the 3rd), under the guidance of a teacher-tutor.

You can download the option cards from each area of the degree programme.

Full/part-time regime, and single courses (modules) 

Full / part-time regime

You can choose to attend a full-time degree course, thereby respecting the 3 year programme for the bachelor's degree or the 2 year programme for the master's.

You can also take the degree programme part-time; in this case, you can take 4 or 6 years for the Bachelor degree courses; 3 or 4 years for master's degree courses.

For more information on the part-time regime, visit the University website

Single courses (lessons/modules)

You can also enrol in individual courses (or lessons/modules), up to a maximum of 36 ECTS per year, to supplement or enrich your study path.

For more information on single courses, visit the University website


Academic Credits (CFU)

The workload that you undertake on your degree programme is measured in academic credits (ECTS or CFUs in Italy).

Each credit corresponds to 25 hours of study on average, to be divided between personal study and hours of lessons, internships, laboratories etc. Unless otherwise indicated, each module at DISUM earns 6 CFU credits. This means that by passing an exam worth 6 CFU you have earned 6 academic credits, regardless of the grade you get.

The CFUs measure the achievement of the educational goal and are acquired by passing the test, regardless of the grade. Certified professional knowledge and skills can also be recognised as credits. The marks, expressed in 30/30, measure the result.


Additional Education Requirements (OFA)

The OFAs are additional educational activities identified in first-cycle study courses to resolve gaps in a student’s initial knowledge, if they do not have the preparation required for admission.

If the initial placement test is not successful, one or more OFAs are assigned to be completed in the first year of the course, by the date established by the Academic Bodies.

Last modified 6 July 2023