aa) Admission Requirements and Enrolment
Degree course Philosophy, Politics and Cultural Studies - academic year 23/24
The course is OPEN ACCESS (no capped number restrictions).
You are automatically admitted if you have obtained a bachelor’s degree in one of the following programmes:
- L-5 Philosophy
- L-6 Geography
- L-14 Legal Services Studies
- L 16 Administration and Organisation Studies
- L 18 Economics and Business Management Studies
- L-20 Communication Studies
- L-33 Economic Studies
- L-36 Political Sciences and International Relations
- L-37 Social Sciences for Cooperation, Development and Peace
- L-39 Social Services
- L-40 Sociology
- L-42 History
If you have obtained a three-year degree in humanistic or socio-historic subjects other than those listed, your knowledge and skills will be assessed during the admission interview that everyone must have. If specific gaps are found, the tutor entrusted to you will provide you with a personal remedial plan to resolve them.
A good knowledge of the English language (equivalent to level B2) is expected.
Enrolment Procedure
To register for the degree programme in Philosophy, Politics and Cultural Studies, you must:
1. attend the admissions interview, held by Course teachers at Palazzo Tartara, 1st floor, teachers' offices. The Chair's study is room no. 12 on the first floor of Palazzo Tartara. The interview releases the necessary authorisation to complete registration. During the interview, registration requirements and possession of suitable personal preparation are assessed.
In order to issue the authorisation (see the form attached to this page), it is necessary to present a self-declaration of studies followed at the previous university course(s) at the interview, indicating the exams taken, the relevant scientific disciplinary sectors, the credits obtained and the grade obtained (out of thirty) for each exam.
2. Following the interview, you will be assigned a tutor who assists you throughout your university studies and helps you remedy any academic weaknesses.
N.B. To attend the admissions interview, students must contact Prof. Roberto Mazzola to book.
The admissions interviews are scheduled for:
- 13 September 2023, 10am
- 27 September 2023, 10am
Those who wished to register but missed the scheduled interview days can visit Prof. Galeotti's office during office hours and will have the opportunity to take the interview.
The teacher receives students on Mondays at 2.00pm and Tuesdays at 12.00pm in her office in Palazzo Tartara, room no. 12.
1. Interested students must book for the desired day via email to the Chair in order to check availability of places. Booking must be made at least 7 days before the interview date. Once bookings have been registered, the Chair will communicate via email the round in which the student has been placed.
To access the classroom, all health requirements must be respected.
Please remember to bring with you documentation relating to the achievement of the Bachelor’s degree and any master's degree (for all these documents: self-certification from the website of the University of origin, with exams passed).
Scheda di Verifica dei Requisiti di Ammissione - Filosofia, Politica e Studi Culturali
- Documento PDF - 323.46 KB
Offerta formativa del corso di studi
- Documento PDF - 1.1 MB
Offerta formativa del corso di studi
- Documento PDF - 1.1 MB
Last modified 27 December 2023