h) Internships and Job Placements (students)
Degree course Modern, classical and comparative Philology - (Double Degree) - academic year 23/24
Contact: Prof. Federico Favi
Administrative Contact at Internship and Job Placement Office: Sabrina Burocco - 0161 261 559
Internships and job placements are periods of practical activity that a student or recent graduate carries out in companies, public bodies or freelancers aimed on the one hand at gaining experience in the field - consolidating, verifying and expanding the learning received during the degree programme - and on the other, to assist entry into the world of work.
To this end, our Department (delegated by the University) stipulates specific agreements with host institutions and companies.
Internships can be awarded credits like other training activities included in the study plans, or be left up to the student's free choice. Finally, training and orientation internships can be activated within 12 months of graduation.
The University has more than 5,000 agreements with companies, public bodies and freelancers. Among the agreements of particular interest for the course in Modern, Classical and Comparative Philology, we highlight those with the Accademia della Crusca, universities, lower and upper secondary schools, libraries, museums, local and supralocal authorities (Piedmont Regional Council, Municipalities), the press and publishing.
For more detailed information on internship opportunities, contact the relevant course teacher (Prof. Raffaella Afferni).
Curricular Internship (credit-worthy)
The course includes an internship among the "Other Activities (art. 10, subsection 5, letter d)" of the second-year option sheet. The duration of the internship can be at least 150 hours, with the awarding of 6 training credits, or 75 hours with the awarding of 3 credits. The attribution of credits is approved by the Course Council (which meets periodically) at the end of the student's internship experience and after the student has submitted all the required documentation (see attachments). In the case of a 3-credit internship, it will be necessary to integrate the 3 credits with further training activities (workshops, conferences, seminars...), listed in the Other Training Activities section until the required 6 credits are reached.
Volontary Internship (with or without credit approval)
Voluntary internship (with or without credit recognition)
The student can carry out a voluntary internship. In this case the duration of the internship is left up to the student; in any case, the duration of the activity cannot be less than 1 month or more than 12 months.
The internship must be completed before graduating. The student can still request the recognition of credits at the end of the experience. The credits are recognised by the Course Council, after analysing the documentation presented by the student.
Up to 6 training credits are attributed to internships lasting at least 150 hours, while up to 3 credits are attributed to internships lasting at least 75 hours.
These credits will be approved in excess.
Internship abroad
The Department, together with the University, encourages international mobility also for an internship (Erasmus Placement programme, CRUI Foundation, Master of Talents).
Exemption from internship
Those who work, or have worked, in Public Administration or private company sectors consistent with the course in Modern, Classical and Comparative Philology can submit a request for exemption from the curricular internship.
The request must be presented in written form and delivered to the Student Secretariat using the usual communication channel (UPO Risponde).
The minimum duration of work must be one month and more than 150 hours in total.
The work tasks covered by the student must be relevant to the Course in Modern, Classical and Comparative Philology and require skills comparable to those that can be acquired with a Master's degree.
The documentation to be presented in paper format for exemption from the internship is as follows:
For activity in Public Administration
- Request for recognition of university training credits (the document requires a tax duty stamp)
- Credit approval request form for work activity (form downloadable in the attachment "Exemption Form")
- Student's report on the work activity carried out or in progress (see Guidelines downloadable in the attachment "Exemption Forms")
- Declaration in lieu of the deed of notoriety pursuant to Presidential Decree 445/2000 and completed by the student (form downloadable in the attachment "Exemption Form")
For activity in the private sector
- Request approval of university training credits (the document requires a tax duty stamp)
- Credit approval request form for work activity (form downloadable in the attachment "Exemption Form")
- Student's report on the work activity carried out or in progress (see Guidelines downloadable in the attachment "Exemption Forms")
- Certificate of service, on letterhead paper of the company where the student is carrying out his/her work. The document, drawn up by the company, must indicate the date of hiring, the weekly hours worked, the total number of hours worked and the tasks assigned. If the activity was carried out in the past, it is also necessary to indicate the date and cause of termination of the relationship.
The complete documentation (in paper format) for the request for exemption from the internship must be delivered to the Student Secretariat of the Department of Humanities (Disum) in Vercelli.
The request for exemption will be subject to approval by the Course Council of Modern, Classical and Comparative Philology (first Council convened after the date of delivery of the documents). The Course Council meets periodically according to an annual calendar and upon convocation by its President.
Earlier internship
It is possible to bring the curricular internship forward to the first year on condition that the student makes a justified request to the Course Council.
The request to advance the internship (on plain paper) must be delivered to the student secretariat and addressed to the Chair, Prof. Raffaella Afferni.
Training and orientation internship for graduates
Graduates have the opportunity to carry out an internship in institutions or companies. The rules currently in force state that training and orientation internships can be activated within 12 months of graduation, for a maximum duration of 6 months.
Activation procedure and forms for internships and job placements
The student must contact the teacher representative of the Course (Prof. Federico Favi, federico.favi@uniupo.it) to identify the host company or organisation and define the internship tasks.
At the interview with the teacher, the student must present the internship authorisation form.
Once the host organisation or company has been identified, the internship coordinator for the course of study, the host tutor and the student define the specific training project together.
This project must be consistent with the programme in Modern, Classical and Comparative Philology and contain the training objectives of the internship, the methods of carrying it out, the planned activities, and the skills, knowledge and skills to be acquired.
Before starting the internship, the student must complete the online course on Health and Safety in the Workplace. In order to obtain the access key to the course, the student must send an email with the subject "STARTING INTERNSHIP" to the address: prevsic@uniupo.it.
The student will receive instructions for accessing the Course from the Safety, Prevention and Protection Sector.
Upon completion of the online course, the student will obtain the relevant certificate of completion.
To start the internship, the student must send the authorisation form signed by the internship contact rep, via email, to the attention of Dr. Sabrina Burocco (sabrina.burocco@uniupo.it) at Servizio Stage e Job Placement (0161 261 559).
Implementation and conclusion of internship
During the internship activity, the student is required to complete the attendance register promptly and regularly. The register must be signed by the host tutor and can be downloaded here (attached). At the end of the internship, the student is required to present a final report on the activity carried out. Drafting the report is mandatory in the case of both curricular and voluntary internships. To prepare the final report, it is recommended to follow the instructions contained in the short manual that can be downloaded here (attached).
All University students are also required to complete the internship evaluation questionnaire, which is available from the online services section by choosing the menu: "INTERNSHIPS AND PLACEMENTS (TIROCINI E STAGE)" - "INTERNSHIPS MANAGEMENT" - "EVALUATION (click on SEE)".
The final documentation of the internship must be sent by email to Dr. Sabrina Burocco (sabrina.burocco@uniupo.it) along with:
- End of Internship Report (of the student)
- Attendance register filled in and signed by host tutor
- End of Internship Report by host company (on letterhead document).
The documentation must be submitted no later than 30 days after the end of the internship (last day indicated in the attendance register).
The documents will be submitted for approval by the Course Council of Modern, Classical and Comparative Philology (first council session after delivery of the documents).
The Course Council meets periodically according to an annual calendar and upon convocation by its Chair.
The student will be able to check the outcome of the internship and credit approval on the University portal, under "Online services for students".
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Last modified 7 February 2024