Secondary School Teacher Training
After a master's degree, you can enter the teaching profession by passing a competition dedicated to lower secondary school teaching for specific categories.
The master's degree programmes offered by the Department allow the acquisition of academic credits (ECTS) to access the following competition categories:
- A–11 Literary disciplines and Latin
- A–12 Literary disciplines in high schools
- A–13 Literary disciplines, Latin and Greek
- A-18 Philosophy and human sciences in high schools
- A-19 Philosophy and history in high schools
- A–21 Geography
- A–22 Italian, history, geography in middle schools
- A–23 Italian language for learners of foreign languages (non-native speakers)
- A–24 (a) Foreign languages and cultures in high schools
- A–25 (a) English language and second European language in middle schools
- A-54 History of art
The selection process for access to teaching can be attended by master graduates who:
- meet the requirements for the category (access qualifications: type of degree and minimum number of credits for specific Scientific Disciplinary Sectors);
- by 31 October 2022, have gained 24 credits in specific areas: see the page 24 CFU Pre-competition (menu on the left)
A new university training and teaching qualification course starting from 60 credits is currently being defined. Pending the Ministerial Decree, the new reforms can be consulted:
- Law 29 June 2022, no. 79
- Legislative Decree no. 59 of 13/04/2017 (updated by Finance Law no. 79 of June 29, 2022) - Access requirements, teacher training, recruitment: /17G00067/sg
Contact persons for Humanities Department
- For literary disciplines, Latin and Geography: prof. Raffaella Afferni
- For foreign languages and cultures: prof. Laurence Audéoud
- For philosophy and history: prof. Gregorio Baldin
DDG no. 3059/2024 of 10 December 2024
PNRR 2 competition for teachers.
Competition for qualifications and exams for access to the roles of secondary school teaching staff on common and support positions, pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 8, of Ministerial Decree No. 205 of October 26, 2023.
By December 30, 2024, it is possible to apply for the BANDI DDG No. 3059/2024 of December 10, 2024.
Excerpt from Article 4 (3):
“Without prejudice to the possession of the necessary educational qualification with reference to the class of competition, participation in the competition for the posts referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article is permitted to those who in the previous five years have, by the deadline for the submission of the application, served in state educational institutions for at least three school years, including non-continuous years, of which at least one in the specific class of competition for which they are competing, evaluated as such in accordance with Article 11, paragraph 14, of Law No. 124, or have achieved by October 31, 2022 the 24 CFU/CFA provided as a requirement for access to the competition under the previous system.”
Link to the announcement/notice.
Translated with (free version)
Departmental decree no. 639 of 27 May 2020
The Departmental Decree no.639 of 27 May 2020 has postponed the deadlines for applications for participation in the special competition for teachers.
Departmental decree no. 510 of 23 April 2020 (published in the Official Gazette no. 34 of 28/04/2020)
Decree 510/2020 announces, on a regional basis, a competition for qualifications and exams for the placement of 24,000 teachers for middle and high school in normal and special needs positions.
According to the Decree, those who, on the date stated for submission of the application, meet the following requirements (art. 2):
- between the 2008/2009 and 2019/2020 school years, have carried out, in a normal or special needs position, at least three years of service, even if not consecutive, which can be assessed as such pursuant to art. 11, paragraph 14, of Law no.124 of 3 May 1999
- have completed at least one year of service, among those referred to in letter a), in the specific competition category or type of position for which they are applying
- for the normal position, the academic qualification required by art. 5, paragraph 1, letter a), of Legislative Decree 13 April 2017, no. 59, consistent with the requested competition category without prejudice to the provisions of art. 22, paragraph 2, of the aforementioned decree with reference to the competition categories for technical-practical teacher positions, identified by the decree of the President of the Republic February 14, 2016, no. 19 and amended by the decree of the Minister of Education, University and Research 9 May 2017, no. 259, or the title of qualification or competition suitability in the specific competition category
Art. 3 of the Decree concerns the application to participate, with regard to the deadline and methods of presentation.
Candidates submit an online application to participate in the competition, between 9am on 28 May 2020 and 11.59pm on 3 July 2020 (Article 3, paragraph 3).
Applicants can apply for participation in a single region only, both for middle and high schools, and for one category of competition (Article 3, paragraph 1).
For the complete text of Decree 510 see the attached file, also published on the Gazzetta Ufficiale.
More information (number of places available, locations of competition, selection committees, USR link, contact details, FAQs) can be found on the MIUR website.
Ministerial decree no. 201 of 20 April 2020
The Decree contains provisions for the ordinary competitions for qualifications and exams for the recruitment of teaching staff for the middle and high school for normal and special needs positions.
The Ministerial Decree contains the criteria for composition of the selection committees, procedures for carrying out and content of the tests, and the qualifications that can be taken into account.
The Decree is not an ordinary call for tenders, which will instead be announced on a regional basis according to the procedures set out in art. 1 et seq. of this Decree
Useful Links
- Decreto Ministeriale n. 201 del 20 aprile 2020 con allegati A, B, C, D
- Testo scaricabile del Decreto ministeriale n. 201 del 20 aprile 2020
- Testo scaricabile del Decreto dipartimentale n. 510 del 23 aprile 2020
- Il testo completo del Decreto-Legge 29 ottobre 2019 n. 126 coordinato con la Le…
- Legge 29 giugno 2022, n° 79
- D.lgs. n. 59 del 13/04/2017 (aggiornato dalla Legge finanziaria n. 79 del 29 gi…
AGGIORNAMENTO CLASSI DI CONCORSO 2017: denominazione, titoli di accesso, insegnamenti relativi
- Documento PDF - 466.81 KB
Elenco delle discipline valide per i 24 cfu pre concorso cdd
- Documento PDF - 238.31 KB
Elenco delle discipline valide per i 24 cfu pre concorso cdd
- Documento PDF - 238.31 KB
- Documento PDF - 2.32 MB
- Documento PDF - 454.51 KB
Tabella A1
- Documento PDF - 232.68 KB
Tabella A
- Documento PDF - 1.27 MB
Tabella B
- Documento PDF - 453 KB