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t) Other Activity and language skills

Degree course Foreign Languages, Cultures, Tourism - (Double degree) - academic year 24/25


Only those activities related to transversal skills that the course of study has judged consistent with the educational pathway may be included in one's study plan. “Further activities” may include workshops, external and internal internships, and other initiatives (ex art. 10, para. 5/d), such as conferences, seminars, tandem projects and cultural events.

Activity “Credits reserved by University to Activity pursuant to Art. 10, subsection 5, letter d.”

As part of the Other Training activities, in addition to the credits envisaged in the study plan, the student can be awarded credits for suitably certified professional skills and abilities. The recognition of the activities attended occurs following the presentation by the student of the certified documentation of the activity carried out.

 Activities 2024/2025


Music History Workshop (6 CFU)


Critical and Academic Writing Workshop. The form of the essay (6 CFU)

Referees: Prof. Stefania Sini (first semester, beginning October 3)

Introductory workshop on writing and editing a critical essay and theoretical criticism of literature. The 30-hour workshop will run from October to January with a 4-hour meeting on alternate weeks.

Meeting schedule:

  • Thursday, Oct. 3, 2:30-6:30 p.m;
  • Thursday, Oct. 17, 2:30-6:30 p.m;
  • Thursday, Oct. 31, 2:30-6:30 p.m;
  • Thursday, Nov. 21, 2:30-6:30 p.m;
  • Thursday, November 28, 2:30-6:30 p.m;
  • Thursday, December 12, 2:30-6:30 p.m;
  • Thursday, January 9, 2:30-6:30 p.m;
  • Thursday, January 23, 2:30-6:30 p.m.

Students intending to attend the Workshop are invited to write to the teacher. Program link:


“Tandem” peer-to-peer conversations in English and Italian language (2 CFU)

Referee: Prof. Cristina Iuli

Coordinators: Prof. Cristina Iuli, Department of Humanities, UPO and Prof. Paola Morgavi, Department of French and Italian Northwestern University, USA.

Places available: 14.

The project involves participation in peer conversation sessions in English/Italian. The conversations proceed freely, taking their cues from topics of everyday life, and take place for about 30 minutes in English and about 30 minutes in Italian.

Three sessions are scheduled each year: fall, winter, spring. Participation in each session confers 2 CFUs. To acquire the 2 CFUs, participants must send a short (1-page) report evaluating the experience to Prof. Iuli. Those who attend all three sessions will acquire a total of 6 CFUs, which are necessary to fulfill the requirements of second- or third-year “other” (F) activities.

Interested students should contact Prof. Iuli ( by October 10; admissions are guaranteed while places last. In case of excess applications, priority will be given to students and students who have not yet had the opportunity to participate in the project.

First session, fall 2024:

  • October 15, 22, 29
  • November 5, 12, 26.

Second session, winter 2025:

  • January 21 and 28
  • February 11, 18 and 25
  • March 4

Third session, spring 2025:

  • April 15, 22, 29
  • May 6, 13, 20


Hispánica. Historical novel and national identities (fino a 3 CFU)

Referee: Prof. José Manuel Martín Morán

Reading group on novels dealing with historical issues and the birth of Spanish national identity hosted by the Turin Readers Circle ( ).

The activity will be in-person only and will involve attending 22 meetings, from the end of January to the end of June, and reading at least 6 of the most representative novels in the indicated genre.


Bibliolab module, bibliographic literacy and source management (3 CFU)

Full course (7 modules) and final certificate: 3 CFU (first four modules are compulsory from this year). Full program at this address:


Introduction to gender and queer studies workshop (6 CFU)

Referee: Prof. Marco Pustianaz (prima parte, primo semestre)

The workshop aims to present an introductory overview of the cultural, artistic and political debates related to the development of the feminist movement and LBGTQ+ activism from the 1970s to the present, and their persistence and transformation in contemporary, national and international scenarios, through the selection of texts and audiovisual materials proposed by the lecturer and collected by the students themselves during the seminar. There will be contributions from outside experts.


Language Theater Workshop - TILLIT (6 CFU)

Referee: Prof. Marco Pustianaz (da fine novembre + secondo semestre, prima e seconda parte)

Practical workshop with elements of improvisation for each of the four languages; group work both in the presence of instructors and independently. Realization of final performance.

The foreign language theater workshop is offered in the following languages:

It is necessary to get in touch with the coordinator of the chosen language compulsorily by the end of October to allow the groups to be formed.


UPO Junior Day, September 26, 2024 (1 CFU)

Referees: Stefania Ferrari e Miriam Ravetto

UPO Junior is an Athenaeum event involving schools of different grades in the area. Participation consists of conducting small-group language activities with primary or secondary school students. In more detail, the workshop makes use of a board game aimed at observing pragmatic skills in performing various language acts. Participating college students will collaborate with professors preparing and conducting the game during the event, reviewing the material and collecting data that will emerge from the game.

Interested students are invited to write to


Language TIPS training workshop (3 CFU)

Referee: Stefania Ferrari

The Language TIPS (Task, Interaction and Pragmatics at School) project aims to foster an interaction between university didactics, research, training and teaching on the topic of language learning. In particular, the project is devoted theme to the development of pragmatic and interactional skills in mother tongue, second language or foreign language, an area that still does not find sufficient space in teaching practice and is poorly investigated by research, despite its key role in building advanced language skills. The course involves participating in a series of meetings devoted to theoretical-practical investigation of the proposed topics and introduction to the use of tools for recording, transcribing and annotating spoken data as well as conducting field research oriented toward the collaborative construction of a task-based corpus of spontaneous and elicited speech. The meetings involve not only students, but also university researchers and teachers from area schools.

Interested students are invited to write to


Language Conversations Project (3 CFU)

Referee: Stefania Ferrari

The program aims to provide an opportunity for students of Foreign Language Didactics from three-year and master's degree programs to carry out an action-research experience oriented toward testing some task-based tools for the assessment and teaching of foreign language speaking skills. The initiative involves the collaborative design, implementation and documentation of short cycles of foreign language lessons in presence or at a distance in collaboration with local secondary schools.  

Interested students are invited to write to


Language Education Project and teaching Italian L2 in the multilingual school (fino a 6 CFU)

Referee: Stefania Ferrari

Place: IC Bellini, Novara

Timing: October 2024 to February 2025; March 2025 to May 2025

Apprenticeship training, 150 hours (6 CFU)

Short internship, 50/75 hours (2/3 CFU)

Activities “other” 25/75 hours (1/3 CFU)

The project is aimed at the implementation of educational interventions in the classroom and in the Italian L2 laboratory dedicated to the teaching of Italian L2. Students have the opportunity to accompany class teachers and Italian L2 teachers involved in a research-action and educational experimentation at IC Bellini in Novara. In more detail, the activity may involve:

  • Participation in Italian L2 class or laboratory activities
  • Design and testing of teaching paths
  • Documentation of teaching paths
  • Design and validation of language learning assessment tests
  • Monitoring of learning
  • Monitoring the impact of experimentation

Interested students are invited to write to


Project Assessment and teaching of pragmatic skills in L1, L2 and LS. Data collection and analysis (fino a 6 CFU)

Referees: Stefania Ferrari e Miriam Ravetto

Apprenticeship training, 150 hours (6 CFU)

Short internship, 50/75 hours (2/3 CFU)

Activities “other” 25/75 hours (1/3 CFU)

The project is aimed at the pragmatic compilation and annotation of a Task-based Multilingual Corpus. Working in close collaboration with the project's two coordinating lecturers, students will be tasked with creating, developing and validating data collection methods (e.g. questionnaires, role-play games, interviews, etc.) to monitor and investigate pragmatic and interactional skills in samples of speakers of a language such as L1, L2 or LS, as well as contributing to the pragmatic compilation and annotation of a speech corpus. The project includes training meetings by coordinating teachers, as well as field research work. The activity may involve:

  • the collection of speech data in Italian, German or other languages;
  • the compilation of a corpus;
  • the transcription of spoken data;
  • the annotation in pragmatic perspective of the data;
  • the design and testing of materials;
  • the writing of a research report.

Interested students are invited to write to


International and national congresses, conferences and workshops (fino a 3 CFU)

Participation in conferences organised by DISUM or within the UNIVERSITY, subject to final report and written evaluation by the relevant teacher, will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and considered for the purposes of acquiring credits as part of "OTHER" activities pursuant to ex Art. 10 for up to a maximum of 3 credits.


Deconstructing racial imagery in Italy

‘Territory and Surroundings. Enhancement, management and promotion of tourist destinations’ (Omegna and/or remotely, 8,15,22, and 29 November - 3 cfu)

The University of Eastern Piedmont and Parco della Fantasia are organising five higher education meetings in November 2024. The training course (more info here) will be held at the Omegna Forum, in the Paolo Maulini Park in Omegna (VB), with the possibility of remote connection via the GoTo platform, in collaboration with ArsUniVco ETS.

The meetings will be held on the following dates: 8, 15 and 22 November, from 14:00 to 18:00 and on 29 November, with sessions from 9:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00.

Participating students must attend at least four of the five meetings (for a minimum of 18 hours of participation) and write a 10,000-character summary report on a topic of their choice covered during the course.

To participate, it is necessary to register by filling in a Google Form and get in touch with the course contact person, Prof. Stefania Cerutti(


ITAP fall workshop. Corpora, pragmatics and spoken communication (1 CFU)

Referees: Stefania Ferrari, Miriam Ravetto and Laura Tommaso

The workshop is held in Vercelli on November 29, 2024. Participation in the event includes involvement in the design phase of the panel coordinated by the Language TIPS research team through participation in moments of sharing research findings, attendance during the day, and writing a short paper.


International Conference “Texts, Forms and Languages of Public Discourse in Early Modern Europe” (Vercelli, Jan. 22-24, 2025 - 2 CFU)

Referees: Prof. Andrea Baldissera, Prof. Elisabetta Lonati, Prof.  Matteo Mancinelli, Prof. Carla Pomarè, Prof. Marcella Trambaioli.

The International Conference “Texts, Forms and Languages of Public Discourse in Early Modern Europe” will be held on January 22, 23 and 24, 2025 at Meeting Room 2 of Tartara Palace. Speakers will include professors Andrea Baldissera (Università del Piemonte Orientale), Antonella Braida Laplace (Université de Lorraine), Paolo Caboni (Università di Sassari), Alessia Castagnino (Università di Firenze), Cristina Castillo Martínez (Universidad de Jaén), Marta Fabbri (Università di Ferrara), Carmen Gallo (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”), Jacopo Gesiot (Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia), Anne-Marie Lievens (Università di Perugia), Enrico Lodi (Università di Pavia), Elisabetta Lonati (Università del Piemonte Orientale), Matteo Mancinelli (Università del Piemonte Orientale), Alessandra Petrina (Università di Padova), Carla Pomarè (Università del Piemonte Orientale), Javier Ruano-García (Universidad de Salamanca), Polina Shavanyukova (Università di Udine), Marcella Trambaioli (Università del Piemonte Orientale).

In order to earn 2 credits, students of Modern Foreign Languages and Languages, Cultures, Tourism will have to attend the entire conference as auditors and produce a paper on two talks of their choice. Further guidance on the delivery of this paper, which is due by February 15, 2025, will be provided at the beginning of the event.



International conference “Narrar en la Edad de Oro: textos y discursos en las letras hispánicas de los siglos XVI y XVII” (Vercelli, Mar. 26-27, 2025 - 2 CFU)

Referees: professors Andrea Baldissera and Matteo Mancinelli

The International Conference “Narrating in the Golden Age: Texts and Discourses in Hispanic Literature of the 16th and 17th Centuries” will be held on March 26th and 27th, 2025, at Sala riunioni 2 of Palazzo Tartara. The following scholars and researchers will participate: Antonio Azaustre Galiana (Univ. Santiago de Compostela), Andrea Baldissera (UPO), Rafael Bonilla Cerezo (Univ. Córdoba), Paola Laskaris (Univ. Bari), Matteo Mancinelli (UPO), Olga Perotti (Univ. Parma), Paolo Pintacuda (Univ. Pavia), Paolo Tanganelli (Univ. Ferrara), Luca Zaghen (Univ. Macerata).

To earn 2 credits, students in Modern Foreign Languages and Languages, Cultures, and Tourism programs must attend the entire conference as auditors and submit a report on two chosen presentations. Further instructions on submitting the report, which must be delivered by April 17th, 2025, will be provided at the beginning of the event.


Factual narratives (II): an intermedial and interdisciplinary perspective on stories about reality - The case of the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area - AMBA (2 CFU)

Referees: professor Stefania Irene Sini.

The seminar will be held by Martin Koval, Associate Professor at the Arturo Jauretche National University (UNAJ) and short-term visiting professor at DISUM.

This seminar aims to study factual narrative textuality as a vehicle for representing reality (existential, anthropological, occupational, cultural, health-related, psychological, economic, social, political, criminal, forensic, etc.), exploring its uses and functions across various spheres of textual production and through different media and platforms. It will address both oral narratives (e.g., in everyday life or in the field of medicine) and written narratives, delving not only into the "canonical" domains of nonfiction storytelling (such as historiography and journalism) but also into those that have received less attention, particularly in academic circles, such as law, anthropology, medicine, and the natural sciences.

A corpus of texts and text fragments from the geographic region known as the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA, Argentina) will be analyzed, enabling students to understand its reality and complexity through the lens of the narratives produced in or related to that region). As this is the second part of a seminar offered in 2024, the focus will be on diverse aspects related to the categories of mode, voice and narrated world or storyworld. However, introductory tools will also be provided for those who did not attend the previous edition.

10, 11, 12 March 2025 - 12 hours preparation, 12 hours face-to-face, 12 homework.

2 cfu - minimum participants: 5.


Teaching languages and cultures in the contemporary world: innovative methodologies and didactics. German language, translation, and linguistics (2 CFU)

Referees: professor Miriam Ravetto.

16 hours online + preparation of materials and final report, valid for TAF/F - 2 CFU.

Course aimed at developing and strengthening innovative teaching skills and methodologies in the field of German language, translation and linguistics. The course will take place online. Mode of delivery.

Registration at the links:

Calendar and programme:

Date Topic
Monday 10 March 17.30-19.30 Introduction to the complexity of German. Didactic complexity? How to unravel complexity for Leseverstehen?
Thursday 13 March 17.30 - 19.30 The topological model/The concept of Satzglied
Monday 17 March 17.30 - 19.30 Phrases and non-phrases/phrasal constituents (sentence types)
Thursday 20 March 17.30 - 19.30 Creation of teaching units (group work) 
Monday 24 March 17.30 - 19.30 The complex Mittelfield: is it only a question of TeKaMoL?
Thursday 27 March 17.30 - 19.30 Modalpratikeln: recognition strategies
Friday 28 March 17.30 - 19.30  Modalpratikeln: Translation Strategies
Monday 31 March 17.30 - 19.30 Creation of teaching units (group work) 



Teaching Languages and Cultures in the Contemporary World: Innovative Methodologies and Teaching. North American Literature (2 CFU)

Referee: professor Maria Cristina Iuli.

15 hours blended + preparation of materials and final report, valid for TAF/F - 2 CFU.

This is a course aimed at developing and strengthening innovative teaching skills and methodologies in the field of North American literature.

Registration at the links:

Calendar and programme

Date Topic Classroom
Wednesday 5 March 16.30-18.30 Agency, language and literature: The Danger of a Single Story C1 Ex Ospedaletto C1 Ex Ospedaletto
Tuesday 11 March 16.30 - 18.30 Tools for understanding text: elicitation, translation, context... C12 S. Giuseppe
Tuesday 18 March 16.30 - 18.30 For a collaborative perspective: textual annotation, translation, podcasts and interactive maps C12 S. Giuseppe
Tuesday 25 March 15.30 - 18.30 Creation of teaching activities (group work)  C1 Ex Ospedaletto
Tuesday 01 April  15.30 - 18.30 Potential of poetic discourse: creation of activity on the themes of historical memory, migration, identity... 9B S. Giuseppe
Wednesday 16 April 15.30-18.30 Creation of teaching unit (group work) C12 S. Giuseppe


Authors and Values: Stitching Steps of Reconciliation. The Taste of Reading, Interiority, and Transcendence (March - May 2025; 2 CFU)

Referee: prof.  Stefania Irene Sini.

In collaboration with Curia pastorale Universitaria di Vercelli. Requirements for acquiring 2 ECTS TAF/F:

  • Regular attendance at meetings, totaling 16 hours
  • Writing of the essay
  • Reading of the texts provided during the workshop

The meetings will be held via Zoom at 9:00 PM on the following dates:

  • 25/3/2025 - "Cesare Beccaria" (Gabriella Silvestrini, Giulia Zanardi)
  • 1/04/2025 - "Benjamin Constant" (Annalisa Ceron, Chiara Invernizzi)
  • 08/4/2025 - "Antonio Gramsci" (Stefania Sini, Carlo Caccia)
  • 15/4/2025 - "The Book of Encounter" (Guido Bertagna, Davide Petrini)
  • 22/4/2025 - "Simone Weil" (Iolanda Poma, Lucia Fistolera)
  • 29/4/2025 - "Fëdor Dostoevsky" (Luca Ghisleri, Caterina Vianelli)
  • 6/5/2025 - "Prison is a World of Paper - An Alphabet" (Stefano Anastasia, Valentina Calderone)
  • 13/5/2025 - "End of Sentence: Now" (Pierfrancesco Arces, Paolo Heritier)

For more information:

Last modified 7 March 2025