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Language Certification

Language certification formally certifies the level of knowledge of a language, has international value and is issued by a recognised body.

At DISUM, you must contact the teachers of your selected language regarding certification:

Accepted Language Certification

Solely for Language Validation Purposes (according to result, level and type of exam)

N.B.  External certification is accepted only if achieved in the previous two years.
For more details, see the guidelines below for the various languages.
For languages or situations not stated here, contact the relevant teacher


French Language


Exercises – I year

of certiicaton is only part of the process.

With a DELF certificate of level B1, B2, DALF level C1 or C2, Esabac, Attestation de la maîtrise de la langue française (Vallée d’Aoste) with validity of 2 years, exemption is awarded from the Technique d’expression test. The tests of Grammaire and dictée must still be taken.

  • DELF/DALF: it is necessary for the average mark for the tests of “compréhension écrite” and “production écrite”, converted into a mark out of 20, to be equivalent or over 13/20.
  • ESABAC: it is necessary for the mark of “French language and literature”, converted into a mark out of 20, to be equivalent or over 13/20.
  • Attestation de la maîtrise de la langue française : it is necessary for the overall mark, converted into a mark out of 20, to be equivalent or over 13/20.

(see summary table on DIR for the course in question)


Approval of certification is only part of the process.

With a DELF certificate of level B2, DALF level C1 or C2, Esabac with validity of 2 years, exemption is awarded from the Technique d’expression test. The tests of Grammaire and dictée must still be taken.


  • DELF/DALF: the average mark for the tests of “compréhension écrite” and “production écrite” will be converted into a mark out of 20.
  • ESABAC: the mark for “French Language and Literature” will be converted into a mark out of 20.

(see summary table on DIR for the course in question)


English Languge A.Y. 2022-2023

  • Cambridge ESOL (min. score 160): FCE (B2); CAE (C1); Proficiency (C2).
  • Cambridge ESOL (min. score 160): BEC Vantage (B2); BEC Higher (C1).
  • Cambridge IELTS (min. score 5.2/B2).
  • TOEFL Internet Based Test/iBT (min. score 60/B2).
  • TOEFL Paper Based Test/PBT (min. score 516/B2).
  • Trinity College ISE 2 (B2); ISE 3 (C1) (min. score 39/B2).



Spanish Language

  • Only the DELE certificates (but not the DELE escolar), officially issued by the Instituto Cervantes are accepted and are recognized - partially - only for the Spanish Language exam of the first year.
  • The application must be submitted at the beginning of the academic year (by 30 November at the latest) via e-mail. In this regard, please read carefully the instructions contained in the pdf dedicated to the DELE, and uploaded on the DIR pages of all groups of Spanish I.
  • Following recognition, the student will only take parts of the Spanish I exam.The DELE scores will be weighted average with the exam parts to be taken, as shown in the tables below, related exclusively to academic year 2024/25
  • Those who have planned to teach Spanish I for the A.A. 2023/24 or earlier will be able to find all the information on the DIR page of their year of attendance and, in any case, are invited to contact the teacher of reference, prof. Matteo Mancinelli.


Language Students 

DELE B1 (score in thirtieth = 25%):

  • Validated parts: written production, part of oral;
  • Parts of the UPO exam to be taken: dictation, grammar exercises, questions of Spanish civilization, part of the oral.

DELE B2 (Score in thirtieth = 35%):

  • Validated parts: written production, oral interview;
  • Parts of the UPO exam to be taken: dictation, grammar exercises, questions of Spanish civilization.

DELE C1 (score in thirtieth = 50%):

  • Validated parts: written production, questions of Spanish civilization, oral interview;
  • Parts of the UPO exam to be taken: dictation, grammar exercises.

Students of PHILOSOPHY AND COMMUNICATION, TOURISM or other CdS with examination from 6 or 12 CFU:

DELE B1 (score in thirtieth = 25%):

  • Validated parts: written production, part of oral;
  • Parts of the UPO exam to be taken: grammar exercises, part of the oral.

DELE B2 (Score in thirtieth = 35%):

  • Validated parts: written production, oral interview;
  • Parts of the UPO exam to be taken: grammar exercises.

DELE C1 (score in thirtieth = 50%):

  • Validated parts: written production, oral interview;
  • Parts of the UPO exam to be taken: grammar exercises.

LETTERS students with 3 CFU exam:

DELE B1 (score in thirtieth = 35%):

  • Validated parts: written production, part of oral;
  • Parts of the UPO exam to be taken: grammar exercises, part of the oral.

DELE B2 (score in trentiest = 50%):

  • Validated parts: written production, oral interview;
  • Parts of the UPO exam to be taken: grammar exercises.

DELE C1 (score in thirtieth = 75%):

  • Validated parts: written production, oral interview;
  • Parts of the UPO exam to be taken: grammar exercises.

German Language

A. Students enrolled in Modern Languages:

  • Students who hold a Zertifikat B1 of the Goethe-Institut, in the I YEAR must take only the written grammar test. The certificate mark will be converted into a mark out of thirty (see table at bottom of page) and will be included in the average of the written exam.
  •  Credits obtained in summer courses at German universities will be recognised:
    • I YEAR: European level B1
    • II YEAR: European level B2
    • III YEAR: European level C1

In all cases, for the final exams, there is also a grammar test (and a translation test in the III YEAR). If there is not mark on the certificate, the grammar test mark will be used, with the opportunity to raise this in another part of the exam.

B. Students enrolled on other degree courses (German as a third language, German for “non specialists”)

  • Course of 3-4 training credits: the certificates A2 and B1 of the Goethe-Institut will be accepted. If necessary, the mark will be converted into a mark out 30, with the opportunity to raise this via the oral test.
  • Course of 6 credits: the B1 certificate of the Goethe-Institut will be accepted.

Umrechnung der im B1- Zertifikat erreichten Punkte in Noten (mark out of 30)

Die Gesamtpunktzahl wird betrachtet: 

  • bis 227 = 18
  • bis 240.3 = 19
  • 253.6 = 20
  • 266.9 = 21
  • 280.2 = 22
  • 293.5 = 23
  • 306.8 = 24
  • 320.1 = 25
  • 333.4 = 26
  • 346.7 = 27
  • 360 = 28
  • 373.3 = 29
  • 386.6 = 30

Last modified 9 September 2024