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Geography and Map Laboratory

The Geography Laboratory (on the second floor of the S. Giuseppe campus) houses cartographic, photographic and aerial photographic materials and promotes the scientific research activity that has also been developed through funding from various Projects of National (Prin) and European interest, especially concerning the “rice landscapes”, the “geographies of taste”, with particular reference to eastern Piedmont and geographic mobility. The manager, prof. Carlo Brusa, is also national coordinator of the Working Group of the Association of Italian Geographers (AGeI) on migration and is a member of the Scientific Commission of the Caritas and Migrantes Immigration Report. Within the Laboratory, numerous publications and research for degree theses have been produced on these issues, as well as on the Piedmontese context and that of the Aosta Valley.

The laboratory - in collaboration with the Italian Association of Geography Teachers (AIIG), the Association of Italian Geographers and the Italian Geographic Society (SGI) - has also organized various conferences of national and international interest. Since 2004, it has been the seat of the editorial board of the national magazine of the Italian Association of Geography Teachers "Environment Society Territory Geography in schools" (Ambiente Società Territorio Geografia nelle scuole), whose director is prof. Brusa. The laboratory, thanks to the presence of teachers from scientific-disciplinary sectors of the geographical area, carries out didactic services to students and refresher courses for teachers. The cartographic and bibliographic material is constantly increasing, thanks above all to the funding obtained for programmes relating to scientific research.

Manager: prof. Carlo Brusa
S. Giuseppe campus, piazza S. Eusebio 5 Vercelli - tel. 0161228332

Last modified 29 July 2022