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Previous conferences and seminars

This section highlights some conferences that took place in the past academic years.

Academic year 2018-2019
  • 4-7 September 2018: "Philosophical Perspectives". The 13th conference of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy
  • 3-4 September 2018: "Kinds of Reasoning" IV FINO Graduate Conference in Mind, Language and Science
Academic year 2017-2018
  • 24-25 May 2017: Borders, circulation, identity and ecumenism in the ancient world. Conference in Vercelli
  • 17-18 April 2017: International Study Congress "Vico and beyond ..."
  • 14 December 2017: Seminar "Languages and linguistic transference of modern politics"
  • 30 November 2017: VII congress of the Vercelli Historical Society
  • 27 November 2017: The return of religion in International Relations. From jihad to the war on terrorism
  • 25 November 2017: Citizens and local government, in Vercelli the experimental project of the DiSUM on environment and urban quality
  • 21 November 2017: Italian society, between fears and hopes
  • 20 November 2017: "Pride and Prejudice" with Tiziana Ferrario
  • 17 November 2017: Seminar "Religion and secularization starting from Max Weber"
  • 16 November 2017: QUID EST VERITAS? A conversation about game theory in the humanities
  • 13 November 2017-17 April 2018: "The city in fragments" Cycle of Greek History Seminars
  • 8 November 2017: Narrations of communities, community narratives
  • 18-22 October 2017: XIII edition of the Public Poetry Festival
  • 5-8 October 2017: 60° National Conference of the Italian Association of Geography Teachers
  • 4-25 October 2017: Study days on "Deformations, interpretations and omissions in historical and historiographical works ..."
  • 24 September-7 October 2017: Festival of the people 2017
  • 13-15 September 2017: Study conference "The foundations of ethics and religion"
Academic year 2016-2017
  • 13/14 July 2017: International seminar "Transnational queer art and activism"
  • 4/7 July 2017: Calderón de la Barca, international conference at Vercelli
  • 25 May 2017: At the school of dialogue
  • 11 May 2017: international conference "Emotions in Politics: From Self-Knowledge to Recognition of Others"
  • 11/12 May 2017- International Workshop "Women and Early Modern Philosophy & Science"
  • 28 February 2017: Conference "PRAGA. Intersection of Slavic, German and Jewish cultures (1918-1939)"
  • 31 January 2017: Study day "Intorno ai canzonieri"
  • 26-27 January 2017: Conference "Christianity and Culture"
  • 25 November 2016: Conference "P. Verzone and medieval architecture"
  • From 23 to 27 November 2016: VI Translation award for unpublished public poetry in Italy
  • 26 November: Meeting with R. Crivelli: "The years of Joyce in Trieste"
  • 18 October 2016: Conference " The Latin classics between ancient and modern "
  • 11-14 October 2016: international conference "Cancioneros del siglo de oro forma y formas"
  • 29-30 September 2016: International conference "Performing foreign languages"
  • 26 September 2016: Travelling Disum
Academic year 2015-2016
  • 9 June 2016 - Crisis of the world order? Europe in the face of war and terrorism.
  • 26 May 2016 - International Interdisciplinary Seminar "The Philosophical Power of Narrative". The seminar engages the relationship between narrative and philosophy. It will address biopolitics, affect and representation from the vantage of narrative genres and rhetorical modes. 
  • 28 April 2016 - International seminar: "Black Cultures across Europe and the United States in the XX Century: Critical Perspectives, Methodologies, and Case ​Studies". This seminar aims to address disciplinary, methodological, and critical questions connected with the presence, overlapping and circulation of Black cultures in Europe and between Europe and the United States in the XX century. 
  • 22 April 2016 - Conference "International terrorism: between fear and freedom, at the origins of fundamentalism". The event was promoted by student representatives in collaboration with the Department of Humanities.
  • 7 April 2016 - Conference on "The rule and exception in the life sciences". The speeches range from medical research to Mendelian genetics, from philosophy to botany, passing through the history of science.
  • 25/27 November 2015 - Seminar "The Savoy spaces. Paths and perspectives of historiography". The significant historiographical production of the last three decades on the Savoy spaces from the Middle Ages to national unity deserves to be the subject of an overall assessment. The conference aims to take stock of the state of research in the various disciplinary areas and identify new lines and perspectives of investigation, highlighting the most recent acquisitions, problematic issues, possible thematic developments.
  • 21/22 November 2015 - International conference "The legacy of San Colombano. Memory and worship through the Middle Ages". The presence of the body of St. Columban in Bobbio and the veneration of which it is the object represent an essential element for the development of the monastery in the early Middle Ages and at the same time constitute an aspect of strong continuity through the centuries. The conference aims to provide new insights into the memory and cult of the saint, in a long-term chronological perspective and on a supraregional scale.
  • 18/20 November 2015 – international conference "Roman Jakobson: Linguistica e Poetica". The aim of this event is to reflect on the work of the great linguist, semiotician, critic and theorist and to highlight the amplitude, relevance and modernity of his contributes to the many disciplines he dealt with. 
  • 5/6 November 2015 – ​international conference "Intensity, intensification and intensifying modification across languages. Intensität, Intensivierung und intensivierende Modifikation im Sprachvergleich".  The goal of this conference is to promote dialogue on intensification and intensifiers among international scholars, from different perspectives and within different theoretical frameworks.
  • 7/8 October 2015 - International conference "The curiosity and passions of knowledge. Philosophy and science from Montaigne to Hobbes". While in the Middle Ages it was included among the vices, the modern age reserved a highly positive evaluation of curiosity, making it the engine of the advancement of knowledge in all areas: historical, philosophical, scientific. The studies of Hans Blumenberg, in a more theoretical perspective, and those of Paolo Rossi in a more historical dimension, have drawn attention to this process of releasing curiosity

Last modified 27 July 2022