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Philosophy and Communication - academic year 23/24

Course Type Bachelor’s degree

Academic year 2023/2024

Membership structure

Course Overview

The Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Communication, code L-5, is open to all (no capped number restrictions).

The course lasts three years, full-time, or four or six years, part-time.
To obtain the degree, you must achieve 180 academic credits.

The course is held in Vercelli, in via G. Ferraris 109/116.

Course organiser (Chair): Prof.ssa Silvia Fazzo

The course in Philosophy and Communication (L-5) offers a broad and appropriate foundation in philosophical notions, complemented by specific communication skills.

The 3-year programme includes modules in a wide range of topics. The course dedicates significant space to the field of communication; it also allows students a wide choice of both philosophical and communication topics, so that their study programme can focus more on one direction than the other, according to preference.

The study plan is thus designed to respond to the needs of the territory, taking into account the presence of various activities in the field of publishing and services, and growing attention to the problems of communication, including intercultural communication.

The Course Council will coordinate the teaching activities through annual planning procedures. It is expected that each student will be accompanied on their study path by a tutor chosen from among the teachers and researchers of the course.

Students are required to submit the annual study plan by Departmental deadline. An exemption is granted for students awaiting recognition of credits following a course transfer, university transfer or course accreditation.

For the purposes of credit recognition in the event of transfers from other degree courses, other locations, or second degrees, the Council may decide to approve, for individual students, the admissibility of disciplines not explicitly listed in the table as related and integrative.

For disciplines activated by other bachelor's or master's degree courses, the student is responsible for ascertaining any conditions (prerequisites, knowledge of languages, etc.) for taking the relevant exam.

Regardless of the choice of disciplines, the study plan cannot include more than 20 exams (in addition to the thesis/final exam, the language test and other educational activities).

Students have the right to include in their study plan a number of credits exceeding 180, indicating which ones are to be considered supernumerary. The marks of additional exams do not contribute to the final average.

The study plan is approved by one of the teachers delegated by the Course Council and ratified by the Council itself.

You will be able to study and explore subjects such as the history of philosophy from ancient times to the present day; theoretical, moral, political and mental philosophy; along with disciplines relating to language and communication, human sciences and historical studies. Mastery in the analysis of texts and speeches and the acquisition of logical-argumentative skills will favour the development of a high degree of autonomy of judgment, critical thinking and mental flexibility, all of which will enable you to perform roles of responsibility in different work environments.


Key features

  • Excellent reviews of teaching and research, by national auditing bodies.
  • Above-average employment rate after graduation (source: Almalaurea)
  • Participation in a community with completely student-friendly infrastructures
  • Many opportunities to spend time abroad (Erasmus +, Free Mover, Train of Memory) and internships, in Italy and abroad


Employment opportunities

Publishing, cultural promotion and diffusion, public relations, journalism (subject to selection procedure) and marketing, activity related to libraries, training and management of staff in companies and consulting agencies, roles in public administration.

New courses in the psychological and pedagogical fields will allow you to access training courses for teaching in schools.


Course organisation


To register/enrol

The course is OPEN ACCESS (no capped number restrictions). 

To enrol, you must hold:

  • a secondary school diploma or equivalent qualification obtained abroad
  • the expected knowledge that is acquired in upper secondary school, i.e. good basic grounding in humanities and sciences, with in-depth studies and readings in the field of literature, history, languages; good command of the written and spoken Italian language; familiarity with the use of computers, Internet and email.
  • School-level knowledge of another European language is expected

The information on registering and enrolling on this course explains all the procedures you need to follow.

There are some tests required for evaluation of your initial skills.

Initial Skills Assessment Test  

Following enrolment, your level of preparation will be assessed through the Initial Skills Assessment Test. The test consists of multiple-choice questions that focus on linguistic-grammatical and text comprehension topics. It is a test required by law, but even if you do not pass it, you will be able to take the 1st year exams of the course of study you have chosen.

PLEASE NOTE: if you have not taken the assessment test you will not be able to register for the exams.
Contact address: and teachers: Luca SavarinoLuca Ghisleri, Gabriella SilvestriniCristina MeiniIolanda PomaSilvia Fazzo and Enrico Biale

​English Placement Test

After enrolment, your level of knowledge of the English language will be verified through the English Placement Test, an online test carried out in collaboration with Oxford University Press. The test is mandatory, but not selective, and is not binding for access to the courses.
Contact: Prof. Elisabetta Lonati

Visit Skills Assessment -> English Placement Test


Student Representatives

Student representatives are part of the governing bodies of the Department and the University and are an important component, contributing to the direction of all its activities.

The Student Representatives Headquarters in Vercelli is located in room B3 at the Ex-Ospedaletto, viale Garibaldi 98.



You can enrich your academic career with an international experience.

You can spend a period of study abroad with Erasmus+ mobility by choosing from the many locations where we have international mobility agreements, or opt for other forms of mobility at one of the European and non-European locations with which we have institutional cooperation agreements. You can also spend a period abroad as a "FreeMover" taking advantage of the University's financial and organisational support, whether you intend to study or are interested in gaining professional experience.

Finally, you can take part in the Memory Trail visit to Krakow, to the sites of the Shoah.

Erasmus opportunities. Austria: Graz. Belgium: Liège. Croatia: Zagabria. France: Bordeaux, Lille, Metz, Versailles, Paris Diderot, Grenoble. Germany: “Ludwig Maximilian” (Munich), Marburg, Aachen, Bochum, Potsdam. Norway: Volda. Poland: Warsaw, Wroclaw, Lodz, “Adam Mickiewicz” Poznań. Portugal: Madeira. Romania: Alba Iulia, Bucarest. Spain: Malaga, “Carlos III” (Madrid), “Miguel de Cervantes” (Valladolid), Alcalã, Valencia, Tenerife, Salamanca, Seville, Vigo, Santiago de Compostela, Cáceres, Santander, Ciudad Real, Huelva.

Useful Links


Need more info? Here’s who to contact, and how

  • To find info on teachers and office hours: UPObook
  • To contact the Student Secretariat: UPOrisponde
  • If you wish to talk directly to the Secretariat (regarding particularly complex issues): UPOriceve
  • If you need support from Student Services for disability/learning problems: UPOrisponde
  • If you are looking for information on careers guidance, internships and job placements:

A complete list of contact details can be found here.

During the enrolment period, the PIMs (Punto informativo matricole – Enrolment Info Desks) are available.


Quality Assurance of Course

Quality Assurance of teaching is linked to the University's quality policies, and is implemented and monitored by evaluating the management of the educational offer, with a view to continuous improvement. At course level, quality assurance is delegated to the Quality Group and Review Team.

Documents relevant to the course quality assurance can be found in this section.



Last modified 5 January 2024