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CIST – Interuniversity Centre of Territorial History 'Goffredo Casalis'

Il Centro nasce nel 2006 per organizzare nuove attività di formazione e coordinamento dello Schedario storico-territoriale dei comuni piemontesi, sviluppando un innovativo progetto di ricerca.

The "Goffredo Casalis" Interuniversity Centre for Territorial History, to which the University of Eastern Piedmont, the University of Turin and the University of Genoa belong, aims to constitute a point of reference for historians and administrators interested in the development of historical knowledge on institutions, administrations and territory.

The Centre was founded in 2006 to organise new training and coordination activities of the historical-territorial archive of Piedmont municipalities, developing an innovative research project.

Disum Contact Person

Administrative office of Centre located at DISUM

Last modified 4 July 2023