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Secondary school teacher-training

Course Type Teacher Training

Academic year n.a.

Membership structure

After a Master's degree, you can enter the teaching profession by successfully passing a competition dedicated to secondary school teaching of specific categories.

The Master's Degree Programs included in the Department's range of courses allow you to acquire credits to access the following competition categories:

  • A–11 Literature, and Latin
  • A–12 Literature in high schools
  • A–13 Literature, Latin and Greek
  • A-18 Philosophy and human sciences in high schools
  • A-19 Philosophy and history in high schools
  • A–21 Geography
  • A–22 Italian, history, geography in middle school
  • A–23 Italian language for students from foreign families (minority language speakers)
  • A–24 (a) Foreign language and culture in high schools
  • A–25 (a) English language and second European language in middle school
  • A-54 History of art

The competition for access to teaching can be entered by Masters graduates who:

  • meet the category requirements (admission qualifications: type of degree and minimum number of credits for specific Scientific Disciplinary Sectors);
  • have accrued 24 credits in specific areas: see the page on 24 Pre-competition Credits (menu on left)

Contact details for the Department of Humanities

Departmental Decree no. 639 of 27 May 2020

The Departmental Decree n.639 of May 27, 2020 postponed the deadline for applications for participation in the extraordinary teachers' competition.

Departmental decree no. 510 of 23 April 2020 (published on the Gazzetta Ufficiale no. 34 of 28/04/2020)

Decree no.510/2020 establishes a regional competition based on qualifications and exams for hiring of 24,000 teachers in middle and high schools (regular and support teachers). in the extraordinary teachers' competition.

According to the Decree, anyone who, on the date stated in the Call for Applications, possesses the following requisites (Article 2) will be admitted to participate in the competition procedures:

  1.  between 2008/2009 school year and 2019/2020 school year they carried out, in a regular or support position, at least three years of service, consecutive or not, which can be assessed as such pursuant to art. 11, paragraph 14, of law no.124 of 3 May 1999
  2. have completed at least one year of service, as stated in letter a), in the specific category of the competition or in the type of place for which they are competing
  3. for the regular post, the qualification required by art. 5, paragraph 1, letter a), of the legislative decree 13 April 2017, n. 59, consistent with the required competition class without prejudice to provisions of art. 22, paragraph 2, of the aforementioned decree with reference to the competition classes for technical-practical teacher positions, identified by the President of the Republic’s Decree no.19 of February 14, 2016 as amended by the decree of the Minister of Education, University and Research no.259 of 9 May 2017, or the qualification or competition title in the specific competition category.

Art. 3 of the Decree concerns the application for participation in relation to the deadline and methods of submission.

Candidates may only submit an application to participate in the competition electronically, from 9am on May 28, 2020 until 11.59pm on July 3, 2020 (Article 3, paragraph 3).

Candidates may submit an application for participation, under penalty of exclusion, in a single region, both as a support teacher of the middle and high school and for a competition category (Article 3, paragraph 1).

For the complete text of Decree no. 510 see the file attached and published on the Gazzetta Ufficiale.

Further information (number of places available, competition locations, judging committees, USR links, contacts, FAQs) are available on the MIUR website.

Ministerial decree no. 201 of 20 April 2020

The Decree contains the provisions for ordinary competitions based on qualifications and exams for the recruitment of teaching staff for middle and high schools (regular and support teaching).

The Ministerial Decree contains the criteria for the composition of the judging commissions, the procedures and contents of the tests, and the qualifications that can be assessed.

The Decree is not an ordinary Call for applications, which will instead be launched on a regional basis according to the procedures set out in art. 1 et seq. of this Decree.

Law no. 159 of 20 December 2019 (GU Serie Generale no. 303 of 28/12/2019

Conversion into law, with amendments, of the decree-law 29 October 2019, no. 126, containing measures of urgent necessity regarding the recruitment of school staff, research bodies and qualification of teachers.

Law 159/19 lays down that the MIUR is authorised to announce, at the same time as the ordinary competition based on qualifications and exams referred to in Article 17, paragraph 2, letter d), of Legislative Decree 13 April 2017, no. 59, by 2019, an extraordinary procedure based on qualifications and exams for middle and high school teachers, aimed at admitting them to the role within the limits referred to in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of this article. The procedure is also aimed at authorising applicants for teaching in secondary school, under the conditions set out in this article.

Participation in the procedure is reserved to individuals, including those already working, who:

  1. between 2008/2009 and 2018/2019 school years, have carried out, in a regular or support position, at least three years of service, even if not consecutive
  2. have completed at least one year of service in the specific competition category or in the type of position for which they are competing;
  3. possess, for the required competition category, the qualification referred to in Article 5 of Legislative Decree no.59 of 13 April 2017 (24 credits in anthropo-psycho-pedagogical disciplines and in teaching methodologies and technologies, see "24 Pre-competition credits", without prejudice to the provisions of article 22, paragraph 2, of the aforementioned decree The further requirement of possession of the relevant specialisation is required.

Each applicant can participate in the procedure in a single region, both for support positions and for a competition category. Participation in both the extraordinary procedure and the ordinary competition is allowed, even for the same category and type of place.

The procedure includes:

  1.  a written test, to be carried out online, consisting of multiple choice questions on topics pertaining to the competition classes and on teaching methods
  2. the drafting of a list of winners, on the basis of the scores reported in the test referred to in letter a) and the evaluation of qualifications.

Last modified 28 March 2023