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Thanks to the Erasmus + program, you can spend a period of study (from three to twelve months) or carry out an internship / traineeship (from two to six months) in organisations, companies, or institutes in countries of the European Union and even outside the EU.

During the Erasmus + study stay, students attend university courses, obtaining credits for the exams and didactic activities carried out, or they can prepare the degree thesis.

The programme is funded by the European Union through mobility grants.

The Erasmus Traineeship international mobility project allows you to carry out internships in companies, training and research centres located in one of the countries participating in the programme (listed in the paragraph "Internship duration and financial contribution").

The Erasmus Traineeship provides financial assistance to cover part of the expenses incurred by you during the internship period.

The program is considered an internship experience. Before departure, you must agree on the recognition of the internship carried outm on the basis of the regulations and teaching plans of the various degree programmes, and following the procedures established by the individual departments.


Last modified 29 January 2024