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IT Skills Certification

NB. If you have purchased a skills card and taken exams outside UPO, before making a new purchase, check your ICDL status with



Many international institutions recognise the importance of digital literacy. The ECDL Foundation underlines the full compliance of its certifications with the most recent requirements also through a change of name: from ECDL (European Computer Driving License) to ICDL (International Certification of Digital Literacy). In reality, the name ICDL, albeit with a different meaning from the current one, has already been used in all non-European countries since 1998.

ICDL is a certificate that certifies the possession of basic computer skills, verified by passing seven exams, the content of which is defined internationally in the Syllabus. The ICDL is a digital certificate.

Our Department is ICDL Test Centre - ACPN0003 accredited by AICA AICA- Italian Association for IT Skills and Automatic Calculating
The DISUM Test Centre has been active since February 2006.


DISUM contact person:


Purchase of Skill Card/Exams

To take the ICDL exams, you must complete three simple steps:


Purchase the skills card and exams

The fees charged at our test centre are particularly advantageous for:

  • Students enrolled at the University of Eastern Piedmont
  • Graduates who left University of Eastern Piedmont less than one year ago
  • Alumni UPO - Association of former students of the University of Eastern Piedmont
  • Employees of the University of Eastern Piedmont

The fees are as follows:

Together with the skills card, it is advisable to purchase at least two exams (payment is made in a single payment).
Any failed exam must be reacquired.

  • Skills Card New ICDL (no expiry date) € 55
  • Exam of New ICDL basic/full standard (including “Mi Certifico Ecdl” activation code for online AICA course) € 18
  • Kit ICDL basic (Skills card + 4 exams) € 120
  • Kit ICDL standard (Skills card +7 exams) € 170
  • Exam of New ICDL basic/full standard (only repurchase – without code, for candidates who failed exam) € 15
  • ICDL Full Standard Update Certification € 45
  • Single exam of New ICDL Update € 9
  • Exam module ICDL Advanced € 40
  • Exam module Using Databases € 30

It is possible to pay for multiple modules together and then take them over time, for example, 2 or 3 at a time, by booking for different exam sessions; or pay only for the modules you wish to take immediately and then make a new payment for subsequent exams.

Payment method

  • Log on to Easy Pagamenti - PagoPA (allow pop-ups in your browser).
    The first time you log on, registration is required which is verified with a confirmation message to the email address indicated during registration.
  • After you have registered, you will be able to access the payment portal by logging in with the username and password chosen during registration.
  • Choose the menu Access the payment portal > Catalogues > ECDL
  • By clicking on your cart> ECDL, you select the product you are interested in (exams without code for those who fail the exam; 1 exam; the ECDL Base kit which includes skill cards and 4 modules; ...)
  • As indicated on the chosen category, you must specify your student ID (enrolment) number and the CITY (e.g., Alessandria, Novara, Vercelli)
  • Continue on Go to Payment. For payment, it is possible to download a PagoPA payment slip and print the bill, or proceed with online payment by credit card, bank transfer, postal order.
  • Use this payment method also to re-purchase failed exams


Complete the form, sending receipt of payment

You can attach the receipt of payment directly to the form and receive in your email the codes to access the portal where you will find specific materials for the preparation of each exam module. This material remains available to the student for one year from its activation. Each “Mi Certifico ECDL” activation code is valid for one module only. (These are courses managed by Aica and you should consult their helpdesk if there are any problems).

Only the registrations for which both online registration and payment receipt have been received are valid.
FILL IN THE FORM and send receipt of payment


Register online for the exam session, respecting procedure and deadlines indicated in the ICDL Exam Calendar

Last step: around one week before the exam session, the form for REGISTRATION ON ICDL SESSIONS is available (see below).

Information on data processing – automatic exams AICA



Exam sessions at the ACPN0003 - DISUM Test Centre generally take place twice a month.

Exam venue: IT Lab L1 Palazzo Tartara, viale Garibaldi 98/via G. Ferraris 109 - Vercelli

There are multiple shifts per ICDL exam day. Each student can take 2 modules per shift.

To take the exams, you MUST have purchased both the SKILLS CARD and EXAMS (read the ICDL section - Purchase Skill Card / Exams) and you must also register according to the procedures indicated in the same section.

The exams take place at the IT workstations in the IT Lab (classroom L1) of Palazzo Tartara (Vercelli, viale Garibaldi 98 – ground floor)

The following can sit the ECDL exams: students of the University of Eastern Piedmont, graduates within one year of graduation, employees of the University, members of UPO ALUMNI.

Covid Health Crisis – University guidelines

For the conduct of teaching and curricular activities, the guidelines are available at this link


ICDL Exam Calendar 2023​​​​​​

  • Wednesday 25 October 2023 (online registration until 23 October at 12 noon or when available places are filled):

2.00 p.m.
3.00 p.m.

  • Friday 10 November 2023
  • Wednesday 22 November 2023
  • Friday 15 December 2023


ICDL Exam Calendar 2024

  • Friday 19 January 2024
  • Friday 2 February 2024 / Wednesday 21 February 2024
  • Friday 29 March 2024
  • Friday 5 April 2024 / Wednesday 17 April 2024
  • Wednesday 8 May 2024 / Friday 24 May 2024
  • Wednesday 5 June 2024 / Friday 21 June 2024
  • Friday 12 July 2024
  • Friday 6 September 2024 / Wednesday 25 September 2024
  • Friday 11 October 2024 / Wednesday 30 October 2024
  • Friday 8 November 2024 / Wednesday 27 November 2024
  • Friday 13 December 2024

NB. session dates are subject to change and will be communicated in good time.


Sessions run
Calendar 2023: 20 January, 1/17February, 1/24 March, 6/19 April, 10/24 May, 10/24 June. 14/26 July, 8/20 September, 6/25 October, 10/22 November, 15 December.
Calendar 2022: 14/28 January, 11/25 February, 9/24 March, 8/22 April, 13/20 May, 27 May, 10/24 June - session cancelled due to lack of enrolments, 8 July - session cancelled due to lack of enrolments, 29 July, 1 September, 7/21 October, 2/18 November, 2/14 December.
Calendar 2021: 21 May, 11/25 June, 16/23 July, 31 August, 10/24 September, 8/29 October, 19/26 November, 17 December.


Certificates and academic credits (CFU)


ICDL (formerly ECDL) requires a Skills Card that does not expire. The Skills Card is an official and personal digital document that enables its owner to carry out ECDL exams and allows the registration of modules as they pass. The Syllabus is a document that specifies the exam programme for each module
ICDL is recognized as an educational credit in a university setting and as a score or prerequisite in many competitions.
Read more (su sito

ICDL offers two courses, one basic (4 exams) and one full (7 exams):

  • BASIC: composed of four modules that are the basic elements of digital competence and define the knowledge and skills necessary to use computers and the Internet with confidence:
    • Computer Essentials
    • OnlineEssentials
    • Word Processing
    • Spreadsheets​

For more information (

  • STANDARD: composed of NEW ECDL BASIC plus three other modules to be chosen by the candidate from among the proposals:
    For more information (

The Test Centre is NOT approved for the following modules:

  • WebEditing
  • ImageEditing
  • 2D Computer Aided Design
  • Health
  • DCA2 - Digital Competence Assessment (superior)
  • E-Citizen
  • Using Databases (syllabus 5.0)
  • Using Databases (syllabus 6.0 - Office 2016)
  • Project Planning
  • Information Literacy
  • Digital Marketing
  • ECDL Robotica
  • Application Essentials


Academic credit value of ICDL/ECDL certification for Disum

  • The course in Modern Languages requires ICDL STANDARD (7 exams) to achieve 6 CFU academic credits, as stated in "Other Activity".
  • The course in Modern, Classical and Comparative Philology requires ICDL STARDARD (7 exams) to achieve 6 CFU academic credits, as stated in "Other Activity".
  • The course in Philosophy and Communication requires ICDL BASE (4 exams) to achieve 3 CFU academic credits.

Registration of credits in the study plan

For credits to be recorded, the request for validation of the ICDL certificate is examined by the Degree Course Council.
Action: contact the Test Centre contact person and ask for a summary of the exams taken.
Download the application for credit transfer that you find in the forms section.
Fill out the application and send everything to the Disum Admin Office by e-mail.
The Office can be contacted:

  • by sending a ticket via TICKETING UPO RISPONDE: for requests of any kind, when forms or other documentation in file format do not need to be attached;
  • by sending an e-mail to when files containing forms, identity documents, etc. must be attached to the request.

Upon receipt, the Admin Office will upload a € 16 bill online for stamp duty which you will then have to pay.



Advice on use of Micertifico codes

Candidates can access from the portal: subsequently, after registration, to the Micertifico area in order to use codes that have been assigned and not yet activated on the micertificoecdl platform.

N.B. All codes already activated on will be valid until the expiry date.

Your ICDL Profile (virtual skills card)

​This is the candidate transcript booklet, a digital document on which all the exams you have taken are recorded, with details of the date, the software suite, the syllabus and the language in which they were taken.
You can check yours by registering on the Portal of AICA

The ICDL certificate

​After passing the exams required by the chosen certification path, you will receive your European Computer Driving License.

Keep up-to-date

ICDL offers lifetime membership (your "Skills Card" never expires); as you continue your studies or working life, you will always be able to add new modules to your certification and demonstrate that you are always up-to-date.



FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the FAQs.

Read the FAQs on the ICDL Portal

See also

ICDL Portal: enter the world of ECDL!

​AICA Portal:Associazione Italiana per l'Informatica e il Calcolo Automatico; in Italy, AICA promotes and guarantees European IT certification.

Other university test centres:

  • Department of Economics and Business Studies (Novara) - TEST CENTRECAPOFILA Codice Test Centre ACPN0001
  • Department of Law and Political, Economic and Social Sciences (Alessandria) - Codice Test Centre ACPN0004



Last modified 24 October 2023