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TiLLiT – Theatre in Language, Language in Theatre

The TiLLiT project (Theatre in Language, Language in Theatre) has been active for over ten years now. It aims to promote the use of theatre practices in the teaching of foreign languages and is an educational activity recognised by the Department.

Every year, four groups of DISUM students - led by language instructors and assisted by the theatre professional, Mario Sgotto of the TamTam Association - stage a show of about 30-40 minutes in the languages we teach (English, German, French, Spanish), accessible to all. In recent years we have invited foreign and Italian university groups to our final event, culminating in 2014 with the University Theatre Festival in a foreign language.

In 2014 Tillit won the 15th edition of the European Language Label, the recognition by the European Union that is awarded every year to projects capable of giving a significant boost to language teaching, through innovations and teaching practices.

TiLLiT does not set out to be a theatre school in the strictest sense, but adopts some fundamental perspectives of the theatre: participation and activation of the students across the board; attention to expressing of language through the body, gesture, stage movement; the communicative relationship with the public to challenge the "barrier" of foreign languages

For more information, contact: Marco Pustianaz and Michaela Reinhardt


Last modified 9 August 2022