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Final exam

Deadlines for Thesis Session A.Y. 2023/2024 The final exam will be held on: Summer Session: between 15 July 2024 and 19 July 2024 in the Main Hall ( Aula Magna - Palazzo Bellini -...

Corso Corso di Laurea in Medical Biotechnologies (in lingua inglese)

Exam timetable

Exam of the academic year 2023-2024 Exam timetable - a.y. 2023-2024 (Google Drive) Real-time exam list Below is the link to a brief guide on how to use the exam enrolment system...

Corso Corso di Laurea in Medical Biotechnologies (in lingua inglese)


INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS : how to prepare for enrolment SCHOLARSHIP AND OTHER GRANTS EDISU, the Regional Agency for the Right to University Education of Piedmont, offers real...

Corso Corso di Laurea in Medical Biotechnologies (in lingua inglese)

Course timetable

A.Y. 2023/2024 CLASSES II SEMESTER 1st year: Classes Timetable OFFICIAL CLASSES: from 4 MARCH 2024 I year II semester Curr. A (CLASSROOM 105 - PERRONE BUILDING- Via Perrone 18...

Corso Corso di Laurea in Medical Biotechnologies (in lingua inglese)